Wednesday 24 October 2012

Data Center Options

The Enterprise Data Center
            An enterprise Data Center is generally accepted as one owned and operated by an organization exclusively for its own use.
Enterprise Data Center are typically the choice of organizations requiring high level of security and reliability from their IT facilities, may often be located within head office buildings, and are normally the core business of the organization.

The Managed Hosting Data Center
            Managed hosting facilities are those in which clients lease server capacity rather than owning and operating it themselves.
The hosting can be dedicated (ie exclusive use of server/s) or shared, and may range from a single server to a complete Data Center.
The level of service provided varies from client to client dependent upon requirement.

The Colocation Data Center
Colocation Data Centers are those in which are able to house their own mission-critical equipment within a facility owned and operated by a third part who provides all the necessary support infrastructure such as power, cooling and connectivity.
The use of shared Data Center infrastructure can produce cost savings while allowing clients to retain a high degree of control over their equipment and systems.
Colocation facilities have high level of physical security. The need for clients to have access only to their own equipment, mean that floor space is generally less densely populated.

The Wholesale Data Center
-         Wholesale facilities are those which have been built with the view to sell space only to anyone who needs it, for either their personal use  i.e., Enterprise, or for them to resell as a colocation provider or managed service provider.
-         Wholesale facilities are therefore built with flexibility in mind as the final occupancy cannot be easily forecast.
-         The space is often bought/sold by real estate brokers on behalf of their clients.